I know this Staircase Piano video has become quite popular on You Tube. The reason I find it intriguing for trainers is because it emphasizes the importance of engaging people by using playful techniques. The takeaway: be bold and confident in your commitment to fun, even if you’re facing pe...
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Balls are playful by nature. Since childhood, we have been taught to have fun with balls—playing catch, dodge ball, 4-square, SPUD, kickball, soccer, and more. They are also terrific teaching and learning tools. The best balls for training should be “S.A.F.E.”: 1) Soft: They shou...
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While many trainers and teachers fully embrace the concepts of fun and interactive training to accelerate the learning process, some pass by our trade show booth or our catalog and lament, “I wish I could use your ‘toys,’ but I teach ___x___. They’re too serious for that.” That “x” can...
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