For over 20 years, Trainers Warehouse has been studying, selling, and creating fidget toys, perfectly suited for adult (and youth) learning environments. Every desk fidget toy we recommend must meet our strict criteria: soothing to use, well made, quiet so as not to disturb other learners, and not-distracting to the learners themselves.
Throughout the WorkSMART blog, you’ll find:
Trainers Warehouse works hard to cite research and data that support the use of playful learning resources to maximize the effectiveness of learning. We support the use of active and engaging teaching resources because they’re shown to be effective. The increased focus during learning events translates to improved performance, memory and retention. However, having the best fidget toys is not enough. Desk fidget toys should be coupled with learning games and activities, insightful debriefing conversations, and memory-enhancing experiences.
To the untrained eye, the Trainers Warehouse blog and e-commerce site containing training and teaching tools might look like toys. Those who use them think of these resources as important “tools” of their trade. Just as play is important and formative for children, the same is true for adults. Our brains work better when we ditch the cortisol associated with stress and ramp up the endorphins. Learning can be hard work, but it should also be fun!