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Tag: techniques

Ways to use Dice in Training

Ways to use Dice in Training

A long long time ago, Trainers Warehouse used to sell humongous  nine-inch dice as a training tool.  The product lost popularity, probably because they were a little too big, but the notes we created back then on ways to use dice in training still offer some good ideas.  When I saw a question pos... Read More
Teamwork Tuckman Style

Teamwork Tuckman Style

When I was growing up, gymnastics and skating were my passions. While I loved my sports, I always regretted never playing on a real team–the closest I got was being one of three sisters. Nowadays, I have two young boys who are completely into team sports–baseball, basketball, and soccer ... Read More
Happiness leads to success

Happiness leads to success

I’m always on the lookout for data supporting the use of playful, stress-reducing learning techniques.  This article was synthesized by Kim Marshall and posted in his wonderful weekly journal, The Marshall Memo. Of the five happiness-enhancing activities listed below, the one found to have th... Read More
9 Ways to increase student engagement

9 Ways to increase student engagement

As I culled through this week’s Marshall Memo I was pleased to find a bunch of suggestions to increase student participation. I was even more pleased that “Dry-erase boards” made the list. I believe it was about 10 years ago that we were sitting in a Trainers Warehouse product meet... Read More
Wait! Slow down.

Wait! Slow down.

Don’t be too quick to call on the first hand that goes up. By doing so, you signal to other students that they should stop thinking of an answer. Experts suggest that you extend your wait time to 5 to 10 seconds! This assertion is supported in several research reports, including: Journal of Re... Read More
Increase class participation in discussions

Increase class participation in discussions

Every week, Kim Marshall puts together a memo highlighting key stories from a range of publications.  Here is his synopsis of a David Brooks’ recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education.  It offers great tips to improve class participation and help engage learners in active learning,... Read More