We ALL need AI training. Not the training that tells you how to program or use AI. No, we need the training that helps us distinguish AI-created content from human-created content. No matter what it is — news, images, music, art, articles, etc. — wouldn’t you like to know who is se...
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I appreciated everyone’s participation and questions during last week’s HRDQ-U/Trainers Warehouse Learning without Lectures webinar. As you’ll recall, we talked about lots of ways to incorporate 6 brain principles in your training – and to let that guide you in terms of creating learner-focu...
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I gathered with a bunch of business execs from small, medium, and large companies, in a range of industries from the service sector to retail. We began discussing our true feelings about our increasingly remote-friendly workplaces. I’m not about to share any huge reveals that you haven’t...
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When we launched our first “Show & Share,” our work version of show-and-tell, I was the first to admit that it covered the bases but wasn’t the home run I’d planned. We met our goal of creating a meaningful demo of our new Who’s First Buzzer. but came away with a lo...
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We’re often asked if these creative, brain-based learning techniques work. We think using brain science in training works, but try it yourself. Complete this brain science worksheet, then see how many of the 6 brain-science principles you remember. Brain research focusing on learning and memory co...
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Training closers can be make-it or break-it experiences. I asked my LinkedIN crew for their suggestions on the best ways to close a learning event for maximum impact and retention. As always, the group came through, sharing their favorite training closers for getting closure at the end of a training...
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While everyone is out shopping for gifts and toys for the holidays, I thought this a good time to resurface the answers to Angela’s Hannon’s Linked-IN question, “has anyone used board games in a creative way to train on content?” Not surprisingly, she received a slew of creat...
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LIBRARIES. I don’t know if you can refer to collections of games, training courses, and toys as a “corporate training library,” but I can’t think of a better word for these essential assortments of tools and resources. What is a library anyway? I worry that the word “...
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