Home » FACILITATION TIPS » Great YouTubes for Learning and Work
Great YouTubes for Learning and Work
Many times, people have asked what are the best movies we can use to demonstrate a variety of learning points. While we have lists of feature films that are great for training, many are looking for that perfect YouTube clip that is “safe” to play in the classroom. Following is the beginning of a list that I will continue to build. If you have another favorite, please pass it along!
- Conflict Management, Negotiation & Listening – Former undercover CIA officer talks about listening to the other side
- Customer Service: Real life Site Search
- Diversity and the Power of Introverts (Susan Cain’s TED Talk)
- Diversity from birds on a wire
- Diversity: Lion, Tiger, and Bear, Oh MY! (nature vs nurture and how “need” trumps all)
- Diversity: How are you two different from each other? What we can learn from kids.
- Doodling and its importance (Sunni Brown’s TED Talk)
- Effort, motivation, persistence, leadership (Facing the Giants–unfortunately, the clip is no longer available, but the movie is great!)
- Effort, motivation, persistence, leadership (Rick and Dick Hoyt)
- First impressions and lasting impressions (Susan Boyle on Britain’s got Talent)
- Fun works
- Gratitude: Grateful-A Love Song to the World
- Group think from an elevator experiment
- How not to use PowerPoint (humorous)
- Inspiration from the man with no arms or legs
- Leadership from a young boy who mobilizes the town to move a tree
- Leadership from the dancing guy
- Leadership – TED Talk by Drew Dudley on creating “Lollipop Moments“
- Leadership and Courage – Lessons from the Lion
- Make others feel good and Smile! Validation
- Motivation – Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right
- Motivation – 87-year-old retired man finds his “calling”
- Persistence – Olympic runner gets help from father
- Perseverance – Famous Failures
- Questioning – Asking Why! (this is a promotional video, but has good content)
- Speak with Conviction
- Stress Management (Funny stress management techniques by Karyn Buxman)
- Stress: TED Talk by Kelly McGonigal “How to Make Stress your Friend“
- Teamwork: Remember The Titans – Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning (this is probably copyright protected because it’s from a movie)
- Teamwork – It’s Smarter to Travel in Groups – Power of Teamwork
- Team Building (Tom Wujec’s Marshmallow Challenge):
- Time Management (fitting it all in, starting with Big Rocks!)
- Time Management – Franklin Covey’s The 5 Choices (if you ignore that it’s a promotional video, it has great content!)
- Time Management – Procrastination
Also be sure to check out Mike Rogers’ Teamwork Leadership blog, as he’s always posting great videos that focus on team building, leadership, communication, etc.
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