Home » FACILITATION TIPS » KudoGrams – Giving Kudos at Work
KudoGrams – Giving Kudos at Work
Giving Kudos at Work should be a daily practice. However, it’s also a great learning activity — a way to identify and magnify positive behaviors and growth opportunities in lived experiences. Use Kudo-grams for mindset courses, strength-based activities, warm-ups, and energizers, as kudos notes help introduce growth mindsets and other positive behaviors.
Kudos Notes for Growth Mindset $13.95 BUY NOW
- Green KUDOS for Growth note pads — 1 sheet (“task card”) per participant
- Huddle Signs for the three categories of positive behavior: MAXIMIZING MISTAKES / EXHIBITING EFFORT / MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS (see below)
Plan on approximately 30 minutes
(5 minutes)
- Read the list of behaviors that indicate a growth mind-state is at work.
- Call for a SHOUT OUT as to what P.S. stands for (Postscript) in Millennial-lingo, they might say xxx
- “My Good” Activity – ask which of these behaviors are you already doing well? Give yourself KUDO credit. Express gratitude to yourself. Have participants select one behavior they consider a personal strength.
- Check One Box Activity—explain, even though you could be checking multiple boxes, recall a specific time you practiced this growth behavior.
- WRITE a P.S. note-to-self – Recall what happened when you did good. Jot down the impact or outcome regarding you and this behavior in that specific situation.
- PREPARE to share if and what you choose to share about this story.
2 = PAIR SHARE With ONE thought partner (after individual reflection)
(~ 8 minutes)
- SWAP notes & TELL A STORY of a time when you practiced / exhibited that positive behavior. How did you feel regarding yourself & your job satisfaction? What do you believe was the positive impact/ outcome?
- LISTEN to your partner’s feedback/ reaction/ comments
4 = TASK TEAM -Small Group collegial conversations
(~ 12 minutes)
- HUDDLE/ gather/ shift/ move to three common ground corners Consider dividing participants into three groupings (MAXIMIZING MISTAKES / EXHIBITING EFFORT/ MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS). Post these on the wall or distribute them on a handout. Invite them to choose which they believe is the best fit for the growth behavior in their story. Of course, it doesn’t matter which huddle they join.
- SHARE interesting story examples of these behaviors
- DISCUSS the positive impact/ outcomes of these behaviors
- PREPARE a spokesperson to summarize the + impact/outcomes (not stories)
(~ 10 minutes)
- Have all RETURN to their seats
- Invite reports by each spokesperson
- “Wannabe” Behaviors: Revisit the KUDO behaviors on the sheet and have everyone check one behavior they aspire to have or practice.
CLOSER, IF TIME PERMITS… (~ 10 minutes)
Ask participants write on a new sheet and hand deliver a “Kudo-gram” to another in the room. Of course, they may choose to check multiple boxes. Encourage writing personalized, “P.S.” notes.
- Came prepared
- Made great contributions
- Made connections between Ideas Helped someone out
- Were a great listener
- Made a good mistake
- Corrected your own mistake
- Have shown great improvement
- Stayed focused despite distractions
- Sought help when needed
- Stick with a problem
- Show improvement
- Take a risk
- Take the time to do things right
- Made a valiant effort
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