Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! The little victories in your life after you accomplish a goal. Jump for joy, High-5 a teammate, reward & treat yourself, enjoy the moment. That keeps the momentum going. Sadly, most people simply ask, What’s next?”
~ Larry Lipman
Peer-to-peer recognition is a great way to build morale and encourage participants to take notice of one another’s efforts. I found Julie Biddle’s tip online and wanted to share it.
“For a long, several-day course, have the learners prepare certificates for each other. At the beginning of the workshop each person draws a name and gets a blank certificate with that name on it.
During the workshop they observe the person and make some notes about what they did well. Allot some time each day (right after lunch, or just before closing) for them to make the certificates. Be sure to make available markers, stickers, glitter glue, and other creative tools.
At the end of the session, each person goes to the front of the room, invites the person they have been observing, presents the certificate and says all the good things they have recorded. Everyone is reminded of what happened during the class and it helps them become a group, so it’s particularly good for new hire orientation sessions.”
Posted online by Julie Biddle