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The Power of Nostalgia in Training

As trainers, we always hope to create lasting new memories, chock full of learning to support improved work performance. Given how bombarded we are with social media images and marketing messages every day, it’s crazy that anything new “sticks” in our brains. That said, we trainers might have an opportunity here, which we aren’t yet seizing. Faced with so many challenges, people’s longing for simpler days is stronger than ever. So let’s jump on the bandwagon and harness the power of nostalgia in training.

What we know about the memory cycle and why draw on nostalgia in training

First, let’s take a moment to draw on our knowledge of brain science and our understanding of how memory works. After all, brain scientists remind us that our brains are wired to forget much of what we take in. To remember more trainers do best by:
  1. Linking new information to a scaffolding of existing memories
  2. Eliciting feelings of happiness to encourage the release of endorphins, which enhance memory
  3. Extending the amount of time learners spend digesting and thinking about the new material.
Nostalgia is defined as a sentimental longing for the past, typically a time and place that carries happy personal memories. Perfect! For trainers, nostalgia checks all three of these boxes about how to remember more — it creates the scaffolding to bridge new information to old; elicits feelings of happiness; and involves spending time thinking back.

5 Practical Applications of use Nostalgia in Training

Trainers can use nostalgia to enhance learning in a variety of creative ways. Below are just a handful of tools and resources:

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  1. Create “think back” connections from the start

    Open sessions with relatable anecdotes, imagery, or cultural references that evoke shared memories. Alternatively, ask learners to think back about:

    • Something they already know or learned about this topic in the past
    • A time when ignorance was bliss–when knowing this information wasn’t necessary or might have changed a situation
    • A photographic or illustrated image that reminds them of anything related to the new topic. Climer Cards are great for this as they’re likely to spark memories that might not otherwise be top of mind.
  2. Leverage Sensory Cues

    Incorporate music, visuals, or even scents that transport participants to a specific time or place. For example, playing a well-loved song from a relevant era can activate memories while setting a positive tone for learning. For a creative experience, have teams write new content-related lyrics to an old familiar song.

  3. Use memories of the past to anchor lessons

    Storytelling is a natural vehicle for nostalgia. Sharing stories that connect to universal themes, such as overcoming challenges or achieving success, can prime learners to emotionally engage with the material. Use a Shaped by Our Past Thumball or UNZIP-it! Deck to draw out past experiences. Ask those sharing to relate their past experience to a current topic-relevant challenge.

  4. 21 LEGO Activities for Training

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    Assemble a LEGO structure that relates to a prior understanding of your topic

    LEGO toys alone are likely to bring back some feelings of nostalgia or memories of the past for many learners. However, whether or not this is the case, the familiar childhood toys are an amazing adult learning tool. 21 LEGO Activities for Training offers handfuls of ways to use building structures to create connections with content, as well as teach communication, leadership, and other soft skills.

  5. End by inviting personal reflection

    At the end of your session, when it’s time to reinforce learning, ask learners to do a short journaling activity. Have them reflect on and write down, three top learning moments. Next, ask them to jot down 1 prior memory or image they can use as a memory jogger. Encourage them to visualize that image supersized beyond belief. Finally, have them share the learning points and memory joggers with a partner or small group.

Why Nostalgia-based Training Works

Rooted in brain science, nostalgia isn’t just about reminiscing for the sake of sentimentality—it’s a powerful cognitive mechanism that can supercharge learning. After all, training is most effective when learners are emotionally invested and when the content resonates with their lived experiences. Nostalgia enhances both. By activating positive emotions and leveraging long-held memories, nostalgia gives meaning to new concepts and makes them memorable. At its core, nostalgia isn’t just about looking back; it’s about moving forward with purpose. In the context of training, it’s a tool to honor the past, enrich the present, and create a future where learning truly lasts.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Nostalgia in Training”

  1. Samuel Bowman says:

    As an entertainer/educator I know the value of using memories for further education. This article really helped put a handle on the how and why of using past memories to instill important life lessons and skills. This article also gave me some new language in helping me more effectively communicate what I do to my potential clients by giving me some new and powerful language. Even though I use nostalgia as an important component of my work I had never put the words nostalgia and training together before. Thanks trainers!

    1. Susan Landay says:

      I appreciate your thoughts and am glad the perspective was helpful. Thank you!

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