“It’s not what you give them, but what they take away that counts.” ~ Mel Silberman
Don’t wait until the end of the session to congratulate learners. “Feedback has been shown to be one of the most significant activities a teacher can engage in to improve achievement.” ~ Hattie, J., Spec. Ed. Conf., May 1992.
If you can get your learners to keep their course completion certificates, it not only reminds them of what they learned, but helps you to advertise your course. ~unknown
Invite Oscar recipients to give an acceptance speech. It adds levity to the session but also helps them share their wisdom, pride and accolades with others. ~ Marci Goldshlack, Director of Corp. Training, Philadelphia Workforce Development Corporation
Rewards can inspire a fun atmosphere of competition. In the process, you know the information is being stored. It also encourages participation. It is amazing how you can get people to participate when you throw in a little incentive! Learning is a fun process and in the midst of competition, camaraderie and fun, concepts are understood. ~ Onyka Barrett
I find that having candy and dollar store toys elevates participation. Isn’t it amazing that rewards like candy and chocolate bring out the child within and relaxes the atmosphere. ~Dr. Stem Mahlatini
I have used rewards effectively with youth and adults. Everyone wants to receive something and it’s exciting to just get something for participating. It energizes and stimulates the participants to want to interact. It also helps those real competitive folks, and it doesn’t matter what the reward is. ~ Effie Gill
We find that adults are like “kids in big people’s bodies” and that most of them enjoy being recognized and competing. ~ Richard Smith