At Trainers Warehouse, every so often a customer will ask how to clean their Fidget Toys. We typically offer a handful of helpful but untested tips. However, in response to the coronavirus outbreak and Jenny Gross’ New York Times article “How to Stop Touching your Face,” we decided...
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Not sure which fidget toys are best for you and your group? See how each fidget toy measures up, based on these 10 criteria: [NOTE: due to the COVID-19, we’ve added an 11th criteria (ease of sterilizing] 11 Criteria to evaluate popular fidget toys WHO will use it? Kids? Adults? Personal use? &...
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Fidgeting has gone mainstream over the past year with the rapid rise of Fidget Spinners and Cubes. However ADHD Fidget Toys have been and always will be a mainstay for folks with neurological challenges — Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), ADHD and others. With...
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Prestige Worldwide, a consulting team of Suffolk University business students, set out to understand the impact of using fidget tools in classroom and workplace environments. They conducted surveys before and after introducing fidget tools into learning environments, asking 119 students in 2 classes...
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As 2016 was drawing to a close, I got the happy news that two of our new fidget toys, Loopeez and Gyrobi, were selected among Dr. Toy’s 100 Best Toys of 2016. While I’m thrilled that our tools were recognized and am eager to add that seal of approval to our packaging, it got me thinking...
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More and more is being written about the science of WHY we fidget. From articles in Fast Company magazine, the Huffington Post, and Sunni Brown‘s TED talk on doodling, we better understand the prevalence and utility of fidgeting and doodling, especially for folks with ADD and ADHD. But I&...
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Several years ago, Garry Platt, a Learning & Development Specialist at EEF Ltd., posed the question. He presented two training tables–one with a smattering of fidget toys; and one without. He asked, simply, “A or B?” then posted his results on LinkedIN – A or B?. The ...
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Fiddles may look like toys to the untrained eye, but they can be serious learning tools. Below are some of the benefits your group will experience if they pick up a toy or two during your session. Please know, the Trainers Warehouse collection of kinesthetic learning tools has been specially selecte...
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While many trainers and teachers fully embrace the concepts of fun and interactive training to accelerate the learning process, some pass by our trade show booth or our catalog and lament, “I wish I could use your ‘toys,’ but I teach ___x___. They’re too serious for that.” That “x” can...
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