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Tag: listening

Communication & Listening Exercises

Communication & Listening Exercises

Over the years, I’ve collected these communication exercises and activities from a variety of LinkedIN discussions and recommendations from trainers and business people. If you aren’t sure how to choose a team building game, view How to Choose a Teambuilding Game Infographic. If you̵... Read More
Active Listening Exercises Galore!

Active Listening Exercises Galore!

While our library of Communication and Listening Exercises is quite comprehensive, Active Listening is a critical subcategory worthy of deeper exploration. Active listening isn’t just nodding to the speaker. Active listening happens when you’re completely focused on the speaker, taking i... Read More
Asking Questions: What we didn’t learn in kindergarten

Asking Questions: What we didn’t learn in kindergarten

I had thought that old adage, “everything we need to learn, we learned in kindergarten” was true. Remember “show and tell,” when children are invited to share a favorite object and talk about why it is meaningful to them? Now I’m not so sure. To improve communication an... Read More
Building Relationships through Better Communication

Building Relationships through Better Communication

When opposing parties get to the negotiating table, they too often dive into the meat of the deal and begin arguing for their perspective. We see that in how our government operates today and in how people discuss politics, family matters, work challenges, and more. It’s time to STOP, take a s... Read More
It’s not about the Nail – men and women communicate differently

It’s not about the Nail – men and women communicate differently

When the book Men are from Mars, first came out, I remember being fascinated by these predictable differences between men and women, how they communicate, and how they approach problems. In keeping with that theme, this video made me laugh out loud.... Read More
Are you listening? 10 ways to hear better!

Are you listening? 10 ways to hear better!

Posted by guest blogger, Betty Lochner, Cornerstone Coaching & Training As I started writing this article, I looked at other related blog posts and found that I’ve written about listening skills more than any other topic this year.  I guess I just won’t let go of the fact that, in m... Read More