“Employees tell us one of the problems they have with rewards is they only receive them when the goal if finally accomplished. Their complaint is generally that no one ever says anything along the way to getting the results. What a lost opportunity for acknowledging people for the many actions and behaviors leading to the final outcome.”
Roy Saunderson, Training Magazine, “Changing Minds,” January 2011.
It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, one of our customers aware of the need for showing appreciation, hosted a company appreciation dinner for staff from 3 companies. “Deb the Trainer” was so pleased with the impact of her “Pass it Along” Appreciation Tokens, that she wrote to tell us about it:
“We affixed a token to place cards imprinted with a poem about passing on appreciation. The cards were placed at each table setting. During dinner we read the poem and awarded the waitstaff with tokens too. By the end of dinner employees were passing coins to each other and our guests were planning to use them outside the institution too.”
Because I’m such a sucker for cheesy poetry, and loved Deb’s idea, I created an all-purpose Token of Appreciation poem, which I welcome you to use or adapt them for your own use:
Too often in our circles, appreciation goes unspoken,
So, let us start anew with this very special token.
Please don’t stash it in a wallet or leave it at your ‘station,’
“Pass it on” to a fellow friend, in an Act of Appreciation.
As on and on it travels, giving thanks and recognition.
Ours will become a place of brightened disposition.