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Employee productivity increases when employees feel valued and engaged in their work. Free of stress, happy, and appreciated, employees will work harder and yield greater output. While benefits, compensation, and job growth may be important long term, day-to-day happiness correlates more strongly to regular employee recognition. Communicate frequently with team members to show your respect and appreciation of their contributions.

Learning how to talk to each other again

Learning how to talk to each other again

After the most divisive political season in our nation’s history, I think we’re all trying to figure out how to move on. We talk about unifying our divided country, about building mutual support and repairing relationships, but have little idea how to do it. The key to building relations... Read More
Music is good except when it’s not…

Music is good except when it’s not…

I just read the New York Times article, “The Power of Music, Tapped in a Cubicle,” in which Amisha Padnani talked about the benefits of listening to music in the office. Indeed, music has been shown to release dopomine in the brain, reduce stress and even improve memory. Over the past... Read More
Fidgeting is Good for your Health!

Fidgeting is Good for your Health!

Can’t sit still?  You’re not alone.  And, chances are, you’re healthier because of it! The big reason that fidgeting is associated with good health is that it keeps your blood flowing and prevents it from pooling. In her New York Times article, “Why Fidgeting Is Good Medicine,�... Read More
Getting to Know You – How deep can you go?

Getting to Know You – How deep can you go?

I have a friend who’s always said you don’t have to get to know someone in the first 5 minutes… or even the first few times you meet. It takes a lifetime to get to know someone. How true that is. And yet, for many, our tendency is to rush and learn as quickly as… Read More
What can we learn from "The Office"?

What can we learn from "The Office"?

While most of the takeaways from “The Office” are about what NOT to do, the idea of “Dundie Awards” — of taking a moment to recognize both playful and fun achievements — is a positive one.  Here’s a list of Awards that will make your team smile with pride. ... Read More
How Fidget Toys Tame Our "Floating Attention"

How Fidget Toys Tame Our "Floating Attention"

More and more is being written about the science of WHY we fidget. From articles in Fast Company magazine, the Huffington Post, and Sunni Brown‘s TED talk on doodling, we better understand the prevalence and utility of fidgeting and doodling, especially for folks with ADD and ADHD.  But I&... Read More
The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard – the power of longhand notes

The Pen is Mightier than the Keyboard – the power of longhand notes

Pam A, Mueller and Daniel M. Oppenheimer (from Princeton University and University of California, respectively), studied the impact of taking notes longhand versus on a computer. Writing Notes Is Better! Here’s what they found and published in the Psychological Science journal: “Taking n... Read More
Responding Effectively to Incorrect Answers

Responding Effectively to Incorrect Answers

I’m so happy that trainers and teachers are finally embracing the reality that lectures are not the most effective technique to transfer learning. However, as we try to make the switch and commit to asking questions rather than telling answers, we can create discomfort for the learners.  Know... Read More
Motivation at Any Age

Motivation at Any Age

Engagement is such a hot topic these days that I’ve been reading a great deal on what motivates us at work. When I read Kim Marshall‘s succinct synthesis of Kathleen Cushman’s article “Eight Conditions of Motivated Learning,” I was struck by similarity to the current t... Read More
Workplace Engagement – how do you get people engaged?

Workplace Engagement – how do you get people engaged?

I’ve been following a wonderful discussion on LinkedIN about workplace engagement. The focus of the conversation has been about how to get employees engaged. Following is my synopsis and organization of that very rich dialogue. I may not have captured every contributor’s direct words, bu... Read More

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Employee engagement and motivation are crucial aspects of any successful organization. They go hand in hand to foster a productive and positive work environment, leading to increased performance and employee satisfaction. Engaged employees are typically more enthusiastic, dedicated, and aligned with the company's goals. They are more likely to go the extra mile, be proactive, and actively contribute to the organization's growth. Engaged employees also tend to have better relationships with their colleagues and managers, leading to a more cohesive and collaborative workplace. Those receiving ample employee recognition also tend to exhibit higher levels of creativity and innovation, seeking opportunities for self-improvement and career advancement.

Beyond Tokens of Appreciation

In addition to maximizing employee recognition and motivation, successful work environments (a.k.a. WorkSMART organizations) help their teams excel by equipping them with critical tools and resources. These may not be the staples that you'll find in an office supply store, but their equally important, as they:
  • Promote the development of positive, trusting relationships.
  • Occupy fidget fingers and wandering attention.
  • Strengthen team communication and listening skills, time management, leadership, and project oversight.
The WorkSMART blog by Trainers Warehouse curates thousands of tools, tips, research, games, exercises, and activities to maximize organizational effectiveness. All of the ideas in the blog are complimentary.

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