Looking for Time Management activities for employees, college students, or high school students? Try one of these, that I’ve collected from a variety of LinkedIN discussions. If you want additional time management resources, Trainers Warehouse has curated tools from the US, UK, and beyond! Try...
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I’m laughing at myself as I think about how long I’ve taken to post this wonderful Time Management Infographic, courtesy of the folks at MyTasker. The truth is, time-management was an issue on my end! Perhaps, if I’d embraced their 17 tips sooner, I’d have shared this wonderf...
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I just came across this touching time management story. Although it’s all over the internet and I can’t figure out where it originated, I still like it! A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a ve...
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I’ve been following a rich discussion on Time Management on the T&D Training and Development LinkedIN group. One of the group members recently asked if there was a good way to capture all of the great time management tips located within the discussion. So, in the interest of Time Managem...
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This Fast Company article makes a great point about how multi-tasking does not necessarily make us more productive. Likely, it’s just the opposite. Doing two things at once, like singing while you take a shower, is not the same as instant messaging while writing a research report. Don’...
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I know you’re reluctant to take a break because you have too little time to get through all the material you need to cover. I’ve been there too. However, all of the research (referenced below) points to the same conclusion — your group will actually retain more if you do take a b...
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